Made in the Okanagan supports the local economy and is a business and community development incubator, which works to implement environmentally sustainable economic solutions that emphasize better prosperity for art, craft and community food producers.
Based in the Okanagan Valley of British Columbia, Made in the Okanagan works to develop business and community strategies that will enhance our region's role nationally and internationally within the fields of quality handmade art and fine craft and locally grown safe foods.
This section includes research and planning documents including case studies related to marketing, emerging trends and forecasts that but are not limited to tourism related market research, trends, statistics, and demographics.
Documents in this section include but are not limited to business and strategic planning and includes planning and financial templates as well as case studies regarding business management and operations.
This section includes research, new concepts and ideas that will help businesses and communities generate greater opportunities within the 100 mile economy.
This section includes a Support Directory and special services, resources and projects that will assist studio and farmgate businesses, creative workers, organizations and communities.
The mission of the Okanagan Institute
is to contribute to
the quality of creative engagement in the Okanagan through publications and events.
This section includes a Support Directory and special services, resources and projects that will assist studio and farmgate businesses, creative workers, organizations and communities.
Made in the Okanagan supports the local creative economy and is a business and community development incubator, which works to implement environmentally sustainable economic solutions that emphasize better prosperity for art, craft and community food producers.
The economy in the BC interior has changed drastically over the past decade, especially in rural areas and urban downtown cores. Information and creativity driven companies have replaced manufacturing and traditional industry. Independent contractors collaborate to compete for business worldwide. These clusters of creative professionals abound in the Okanagan and form a new business sector we call the “Creative Economy.”
The Okanagan has within it an emerging economic powerhouse that links, wineries and other farmgate producers with artists and craftspeople. This creative combination has unlimited potential as an economic engine for rural areas.
Our online extension service library allows visitors to download current reports, studies and background material that will help build a healthier local economy. Our library sections include:
Made in the Okanagan has a mandate to assist the creative sector as it seeks to become more efficient and expand. Our Extension Services include a collection of resources that can be accessed by individuals, businesses, non-profits, and government.
Services Include:
Assistance for business startups including clients of Self Employment Benefit Programs, Community Futures, Business Associations and Art Council Programs. We help provide creative industry trends for Career Counseling and Job Search Agencies.
Seminars and toolkits for individuals, businesses, non-profits and communities seeking to realize opportunities in the creative economy.
Consulting services for businesses, non-profits, and government which can assist with planning, management, marketing and securing working capital for creative sector initiatives. We also provide venture capital assistance and retainer services.
Newsletter and Fact Sheets which provides current information, tips and trends related to the creative sector that includes art and craft development, farmgate management, export opportunities and tools to build a stronger local 100 mile economy.
Resource Portal and Bookstore which provides current reports and studies helpful to the creative sector and immediately available as e-documents.
Research and Proponent Services delivered by qualified specialists in partnership with individuals, business, non-profits, educational institutions, communities and governments.
Marketing Tools and Promotions designed and then delivered that help various aspects of the creative economy in the Okanagan including the Made in the Okanagan Label.
Networking, Advocacy and Awareness through a variety of venues and initiatives including conferences and workshops.
Planning Tools, Expertise and Special Projects performed by qualified specialists in partnership with individuals, business, non-profits, educational institutions, communities and governments.
Creative Economy Index assembled by researchers at Made in the Okanagan. The index is based on creative sector surveys and a study of the local economy as well as trends that together determine the state of the creative local economy in the Okanagan.
The Made in the Okanagan Bookstore has current titles that can be purchased. “How to” books as well as commissioned reports can be found and downloaded from the bookstore.